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Free IQ Test with Instant Result

Want to take a free IQ test and get an instant result? You are on the right page. Use our free tool to get the IQ score instantly. Take the free test and have some fun right now.

IQ graph and intelligence

Below is the IQ graph to help you interpret your score in case you do not know the meaning of your IQ score

IQ graph / 123test.com

But before we proceed, here is a brief interpretation of IQ scores.

Below 85, below average (16%)
From 85 to 115, average (68%)
From 115 to 130, above average (14%)
From 130 to 145, gifted (2%)
Above 145, genius or close-to-genius (1%)

As you may know already, Intelligence Quotient is one of the psychological inventions which have incredibly related with our learning potential and thinking abilities.

The individuals who have the highest IQ have the tendency to learn faster and memorize speedily. What about logic and maths problem? Arguably, since most IQ tests are designed to test this, we can say people with a high score can do well in maths and logical puzzles.

Who can administer an IQ test?

Usually, IQ tests are managed one-on-one, by a qualified professional. Because of the huge number of subtests in numerous IQ tests, most standard IQ tests take about an hour.

How much does an IQ test cost?

IQ test expenses can change generally, because of the various types of tests and purposes behind taking them, for example,

Businesses may test potential possibility for a position

The military may utilize IQ tests to decide recruits position

Schools may administer IQ tests to decide arrangement in an educational program

Non-public schools may utilize IQ test results to decide induction

An individual may essentially be interested in his or her IQ or need to get into an association like Mensa.

These cases may utilize diverse IQ tests, and they could all be paid for by the association requesting the test or the test taker themselves. By and large, IQ tests are usually priced between $50-$250 ~ not that costly.

Basic requirements of an IQ test

There are no requisites for taking an IQ test, other than if an association requires a person to take one for a specific reason.

There are numerous sorts to test examining one's intelligence. Of course, they all are intended to assess intellectual abilities.

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