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What Does an IQ Score of 149 Mean?

An IQ score of 149 implies that you have superior intelligence. Numerous IQ scales have a mean of 100, a standard deviation of 15, an IQ of 149 suggests that you are smarter than 98 % of the population.

IQ of 149
IQ spectrum
Many IQ tests have roof score of 140 and a score so close as 149 is extremely high as a genius IQ score.

That being stated, IQ is a profoundly imperfect measure of intelligence. With less respect to age, it is likewise deserving of note that IQ is a defective metric inferring intelligence, comprehend that IQ alone does not ensure accomplishment in school or whatever else.

It is smarter to see IQ as far as capacity to comprehend ideas rapidly. No more, no less. IQ is a measurement of the learning ability of an individual.

What IQ doesn't mean?

Looking past IQ misinterpretations, it makes sense to see IQ through the viewpoint of learning potential alone.

- IQ won't get you, a Ferrari.

- IQ isn't really innovativeness.

- IQ isn't really social insight.

- IQ isn't emotional intelligence.

1 comment:

  1. In 1964 my IQ came in at 149. Isn't there a new gauge? Where is 149 on this scale?

    Weldon Lamb
