Enhancing Your Memory Doesn't Have to Be Hard [10 Proven Strategies]

Dream it Possible! We’ve been trying to improve our memory since we were children. Do you remember when you first started school and teach...

How to Become Smarter

Hey, what? Smart has become the new sexy in this century, as far as innovation, science, and technology keeps evolving.

Humans constantly need a brain that can think clearly, learn faster, and remember accurately pretty much about any idea deemed important to stay on top of the competition in this freaking modern world.

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Right from the earliest ages of human evolution [at least, the Darwinism philosophy, regardless if it made sense or not], to the polished homo sapiens that we are, human intelligence and all the factors affecting it are worth paying attention to, as variables of utmost importance.

Who doesn't want to outcompete other people in their area of specialization, be it a creative endeavor such as Art and Music? Who would like to be mediocre in Robotics and Software Engineering? Would you like to just remain subnormal even in one of the most cheerful game as Football?

Presumably, your answers to these questions are NO. Of course, that is how we are wired as human beings; we all love pleasure [even masochists derive pleasure in their own pain] so we subconsciously avoid any bit of pain foreseeable, which is also true of our intellectual assets— learning, memory, remembering, language, and perception.

Straight to the point, there lies the need to upgrade the mind and rewire our brain in the most efficient way possible. As the title of the article says 'How to Become Smarter Overnight,' so it is what you are going to learn on this page now.

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Though there is no one-size-fits-all method to magically become smarter overnight but here are some really simple brainy tips you might want to include in your daily smart challenge to a genius mastermind:

1. Write down what you learn

It would not have to be fantastically or long, but taking a few minutes every day to replicate in writing, what you discovered is positive to increase your brainpower.

Write 400 words a day on matters that you learned, suggests yoga instructor Claudia Azula Altucher. Mike Xie, a researcher at Bayside Biosciences, agrees: Write about what you've learned.

2. Economize your Social Media Obsession

Economize is the best word I have chosen here because we probably can't resist the urge to be on Facebook every single minute. Every online time would not have to be about checking social networks and satisfying your day by day ration of cute animal pics.

The Web is additionally full of fantastic studying resources, such as online courses, exciting TED talks, and vocabulary-building tools. Replace a few minutes of skateboarding puppies with something greater mentally nourishing, suggest a number of responders.

3. Create your accomplishment database

A huge part of the brain is self-belief and happiness, so enhance each through pausing to listing no longer the things you have but to do, however as an alternative all the things you've already accomplished. The notion of a "done list" is encouraged by famed VC Marc Andreessen as well as Azula Altucher.

Make an I DID list to show all the things you, in fact,  accomplished, she suggests.

4. Gamify into smartness

Board video games and puzzles don't seem to be simply enjoyable but additionally an exquisite way to work out your brain. "Play games (Scrabble, bridge, chess, Go, Battleship, Connect 4, doesn't matter)," suggests Xie (for a ninja-level brain boost, workout your working reminiscence with the aid of trying to play barring looking at the board). Start playing word unscrambler with points now as you can even maximize your chances of winning any scrabble board game according to https://www.scrabblewordfinderguide.com

5. Read a lot.

Yes, this is not a shocker, but it was the most common response: Reading absolutely appears essential.

Opinions vary on what's the great brain-boosting studying material, with hints ranging from creating a day by day newspaper habit to picking up a range of fiction and nonfiction.

But everybody appears to agree that quantity is important. Take it as literal as it really is. Read a lot.

6. Create your space of smart buddies

It can be hard on your self-esteem but placing out with of us who are smarter than you is one of the quickest approaches to learn. "Keep a clever company.

Remember your IQ is the average of five closest people you hang out with," Saurabh Shah, an account manager at Symphony Teleca, writes.

I strive to spend as a whole lot of time as I can with my tech leads. I have never had a trouble accepting that I am an average coder at excellent and there are many matters I am but to learn… Always be humble and be inclined to learn. Says developer Manas J. Saloi. 

7. Explain it to others.

"If you can't provide an explanation for it simply, you do not apprehend it nicely enough," Albert Einstein said. The Quora posters agree.

Make sure you have actually discovered what you think you have realized and that the information is simply stuck in your memory through trying to teach it to others. "Make sure you can explain it to someone else," Xie says simply.

Student Jon Packles elaborates on this idea: "For the entirety you learn--big or small--stick with it for at least as long as it takes you to be able to explain it to a friend.

It's pretty easy to learn new information. Being able to retain that information and teach others is far extra valuable."

8. Try out new things

You really need to try new things and wait to see how they connect with the rest of your experiences later on. Why? We don't always have the 100% certainty about what will happen even in the next few hours.

You can't connect the dots searching forward; you can only join them looking backward. So you have to have faith that the dots will somehow join in your future. Parrish quotes Jobs.

In order to have dots to connect, you need to be inclined to try new things [even if they don't seem right away beneficial or productive].

9. Explore a new language

No, you don't need to become quickly fluent or trot off to a foreign country to grasp the language of your choosing.

You can work away progressively from the comfort of your desk and still reap the mental rewards. "Learn a new language.

There are a lot of free websites for that. Use Livemocha or Busuu," says Saloi (personally, I'm a big fan of Memrise once you have the basic mechanics of a new language down).

10. Relax my friend, you're not a robot

Little wonder that the dedicated meditator Azula Altucher recommends giving yourself space for your brain to process what it is learned--"sit in silence daily," she writes--but she's not the only responder who stresses the need to take some downtime from mental stimulation.

Spend some time simply thinking, suggests retired cop Rick Bruno. He pauses the interior chatter while exercising. "I think about things while I run (almost each and every day)," he reports.

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