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Benefits of Engaging with Instagram Users

Instagram is currently the hot topic among users of social media. While it may not have as many users as Facebook, it is certainly having more of an impact on the current young generation as it is the place to be for most young people.

Instagram can lay claim to more than one billion active users and just under seven hundred million of them are under the age of 35.

This means that if you want to be popular at the moment and want to make a lasting impression on the most digitally-connected generation yet then you need to find out how to make waves on this particular brand of social media as this is where today's young people are congregating.

Why is Instagram so popular?

Instagram has proven to be a big hit with people as it offers a more stripped-down social network. On Facebook and Twitter, your feed can become clogged up as there is an abundance of content that can be added to the accounts on each of them.

There are also side bars which distract your eyes from the centre and, most importantly, the focus is on text so it can take some time to move from one post to another. All of these issues combine to make using either of these social networks a slow process.

Instagram, on the other hand, moves a lot quicker and browsing through it is much easier. It is also simpler and faster to upload the content you want.

Instagram also makes it easier to get in touch with people from all around the world and the focus it places on pictures helps users overcome the language barrier as everyone can understand the meaning of images. It is the mix of these different factors that makes Instagram a hit with more than a billion people.

The importance of interaction with Instagram users

Instagram is also popular with its users because it can give them the opportunity to make a name for themselves in whichever area they are interested in.

This is possible because Instagram's algorithm gives a boost to the most popular accounts, these being the profiles which get the most engagement from other Instagram users.

Once made aware of their popularity, Instagram will place these profiles higher up in the results of searches for similar content, whether done by name, hashtags or location. By ranking higher in these results, these accounts are more likely to be seen by even more people.

To become more popular, regular interaction (and a lot of it) is needed from other Instagram users. This interaction comes in the form of content views, likes for uploads, comments being left on what is posted and getting a larger number of followers.

All these different features, when combined, lead to increased interaction and can make profiles more popular. The more popular you are, the further your message can reach.

Why businesses should be interested in Instagram engagement

A lot of businesses have now set up accounts on Instagram as there is plenty of evidence that doing so can get more attention from a group of social media users who display some very encouraging behaviour when seen through the eyes of businesses.

Some of this behaviour, combined with the profile of the users themselves, make them very attractive potential customers. For starters, 80% of all Instagram users follow at least one business on the social network.

This is a clear a sign as any that Instagram users see the platform as an opportunity to keep track of what companies have to say. Additionally, 70% of Instagram users will use the app to find out more about businesses so it is good for any business to have an active Instagram profile.

Therefore, you should use Instagram to build a strong relationship with potential customers by engaging with them on the app as, evidently, a lot of Instagram users use the app for this.

Furthermore, 60% of all Instagram users have gone on to buy a product that they first saw while browsing the social network. When considering this point, you should also remember that Instagram enables its users to sell products through the app.

When you know that three out of every five people using Instagram has bought a product they discovered on Instagram (and there are more than a billion users out there), you start to realise that the app can be seen as one massive marketplace with stalls and customers from all over the world.

Another point of interest is the financial background of Instagram users. Research shows that 60% of people who earn more than $100,000 annually use the app.

Of all the income brackets mentioned in the survey, this percentage was the highest one, which goes to show that using Instagram will help you put your business in the shop window for people with a substantial income to see.

Now's the time to start searching for that interaction

If this has convinced you that you need to get involved and start attracting more engagement for your Instagram profile, don't worry: getting that interaction is easier than you may expect.

Using hashtags and locations in the right way will get you the attention you need but pages that are starting out will need a boost. That's where websites that let you buy Instagram followers and likes can help.

By investing in these features, you can stimulate the engagement you need yourself to get your make your profile more popular.

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